As a local church we are a community of everyday people with Jesus at the heart of everything we do .
We are a Christ-centred, Biblical Church within a Global Anglican Fellowship, and we are part of the Church of Confessing Anglicans of Aotearoa / New Zealand. What we “confess” is that the Bible is truly the Word of God, and is relevant today.
We have contemporary worship with a modern Anglican flavour.
We meet in the Robert Gibson Memorial Hall on Tauhuri Street, opposite the fire station, in Manaia. Look for the blue flag. You can’t miss us!
We meet to worship God, to encourage each other, to share in Communion (also known as the Lord’s Supper). We pray for those who are sick or who are in torment. God is freeing peoples lives by the miraculous touch of His Holy Spirit, and by the preaching of His Word.
Come, and be changed by Jesus’ love for you.
Jesus said,”I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of..” Sounds good? God surely is good to each of us. Come and experience for yourself.
We meet every Sunday. Join us at 10 am for the Communion service, except for the third Sunday of each month when we have “Family Service” for the whole family starting at
4 o’clock in the afternoon. (There is no charge for the meal.)